Republican Senator Ron Johnson takes the cake

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If you hear footsteps — lots of them — it is likely the GOP is trying to run away from journalists. It’s been happening quite a bit this week. This is because journalists keep asking why they’re against gun safety reform. And Republicans have no answer.

So many of them are up, up, and away — as fast as their insurrectionist feet can carry them — as they miserably try to avoid the task of answering reasonable questions.

Rubio does not know what to say.

Ted Cruz has no idea what to say.

But Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson takes the cake where running is concerned. Johnson has reportedly collected more than one million dollars in contributions from the National Rifle Association. So it is no surprise that he tried to get away when confronted about what he will do to bring about gun safety.

Apparently — nothing much. When asked by a CNN reporter about gun control, Johnson stayed silent. And he ran. Right into a locked door. Oops! Apparently, little Ron was not looking where he was going. Twitter received the news with little sympathy for the dairy state Senator. Here are some of the best comments:

“Really smooth, Ron.”

“Pathetic coward.”

“They showed him the door.”

“Useless f###.”

“He couldn’t even run from the press, right.”

“Ron is running scared.”

“Profile in courage.”

“Put this all over Wisconsin.”

“Run chicken, run.”

“We have a door situation.”

“Scurrying like the roach he is.”

Thank you, Twitter. People, we need to vote him out. I know so many are frightened — of putting in the work — of getting their hopes up and then suffering defeat.

Hope sometimes hurts. It hurts badly. And yes, I cannot guarantee a victory. It is always possible we could lose. It was possible in the Presidential election in 2020 too. And in the Georgia special election. We won.

If one doesn’t try — losing is guaranteed. And we have fought — and won — more difficult battles. Yes, hope hurts. But passivity hurts more. We cannot afford to be passive. So let’s get to work. Let’s make this Senator Ron Johnson’s last term in office.

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