The one thing these Republicans truly fear

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Another horrific mass shooting has taken the lives of 19 pre-teen schoolchildren and their two teachers. The gunman was a young man with serious mental health issues and easy access to lethal weapons. Our nation has been the victim of four mass shootings every three days of 2022.

Cue the appalling republican response. Mitch McConnell, mistaking himself for a country pastor, used his position as one of our nation’s most influential lawmakers to offer only empty thoughts and prayers, and to speak about anything BUT a legislative response to this ongoing, daily tragedy. Governor Abbott has both thumbs firmly up his own ass. And in a tone deaf “What Would Junior Do” moment, Ted Cruz scolded Americans against “politicizing” this tragedy, even as he is dead set to attend an offensive NRA rally this weekend less than 300 miles from the site of the shooting.

Guess what, people? Laws are made in response to politics. More than half of all Americans, including republicans, favor stronger gun laws. The politicians who are telling us this is not a political issue are wrong, and they need to stop gaslighting us and start doing the one job they are paid with our tax dollars to do.

McConnell and Cruz are politicians and lawmakers. It is literally their job to listen to public opinion and enact laws. It is not their job to attend gun lobby orgies while families are still burying their children. It is futile to appeal to their conscience or sense of duty. Losing power is the only thing they fear.

The first step toward eliminating lethal weapons from our society is to remove lethal politicians from office. Let’s start with the ones who say we shouldn’t politicize gun violence. They’re easy to identify, with so much blood on their hands. Vote them out!

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