Voter registration skyrockets in wake of Supreme Court leak

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Well, well, well. It appears that the Republicans are in trouble — deep, deep trouble — a sinkhole of trouble. This is because people are reportedly not just angry at the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion but also infuriated.

Don’t mess with women, Republicans. Ever. So this fury has revealed itself in the most satisfying of ways., a non-partisan voter registration website, has said that voter registration has skyrocketed — since the Supreme Court opinion was leaked. It’s skyrocketed by a whopping 200% spike. So has requests for mail ballots.

And 65% of the activity on the website were from females. Like I said — don’t mess with women, Republicans. And not only that — reports are that 47% of users are under the age of 35. This means the youth vote is there — our young voters are becoming more enthusiastic.

The week before, it had been just around 14%. You see what this means, I hope. People are angry, alright. People are fighting back. People are enthusiastic and WANT to vote — undoubtedly much to the chagrin of Republicans.

So the seeds of optimism are planted. We have so much work to do. But is it not a euphoric feeling? Isn’t it great to know — we are not alone? Grace, dignity, and passion are the clothes we must wear going forward. Activism pays off, and the GOP has screwed up badly. This is our issue — current rights, future rights — it’s all on the table.

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