The blowback against Alito begins

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The pushback is starting. In the bitter aftermath of the leaked opinion, the Justices do not appear to be having an easy time of it. Multiple reports are saying that Justice Samuel Alito, who was scheduled to attend a conference this week, has abruptly canceled his appearance.

Alito was set to appear at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ Judicial conference. This is a get-together in New Orleans. The person who announced this news is Patricia McCabe, a spokesperson for the Supreme Court. She gave no reason for the embittered Justice’s cancellation.

Alito is also the Justice who hears emergency appeals from the New Orleans Federal appeals court. There is much talk about this cancellation on social media. Many think Alito canceled because of the leak. I tend to agree. To put it bluntly, if I were Alito, I’d be embarrassed to show my face in public.

All the Justices who did sign on or might sign on to this warped opinion are horrible, but Alito will be dealing with the most fallout. After all — he wrote the opinion even if it was not a final one. His legacy, if this opinion holds, will be one of cruelty, incompetence, and disgust.

Thinking of it that way — why WOULD this man show his face at the conference? I imagine there will be many people there who are appalled at his words. So, Alito being the coward he is, has decided not to attend the conference. I’d say that is most definitely the one good decision the man has likely ever made.

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