So much for John Roberts

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The GOP is having a bit of an issue with leakage. Leaked tapes of Kevin McCarthy. Leaked videos of Madison Cawthorn. And now the Supreme Court leak. It is a bad month to be the GOP. Sex, lies, and videotape was a great film, but the drama in that movie can’t begin to match what we’ve experienced in real life these last few weeks.

And now the Chief Justice is responding to the leak. Roberts has said the leaked draft is “authentic but not final.” And he also said there would be an investigation into how it got out. “The work of the Court will not be affected in any way,” Roberts assured the people.

I call BS. Of course, the work will be affected. We do not know who leaked this and what their motivations were, but such a breach has never happened before. It stands to reason the Justices must be pretty shaken up.

Perhaps they do not get it. Perhaps they severely underestimated the anger of the American people. On the highest court in the land now, we have several fake Justices. They are there to push their radical agenda on the rest of us — an agenda that is entirely out of step with the mainstream and an agenda that cannot be allowed to pass.

But these fake Justices are about to get the surprise of their lives because we will protest — vote — to “just say no” to this awful potential decision.

Today would be a good day to call your Senators and Congresspeople and tell them to codify Roe. Today would be a GREAT day to call Senator Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and ask them to vote to put aside the filibuster to vote on this issue.

Today would be a good day to organize or attend a protest. Today would be a good day to donate to Democratic candidates. Today would also be an excellent day to retweet Democratic messages. Let’s fight for our freedoms — from sea to shining sea — and let THEM know that we have strong voices — and that these voices cannot and will never be silenced.

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