Who’s trying so hard to take down Kevin McCarthy?

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In popular literature, most mysteries rely heavily on the setting. Some mysteries take place on warm and breezy tropical islands. This is to build mood. Agatha Christie often wrote mysteries that took place in exotic locations — or on boats.

Or they may take place in small, sometimes eerie towns, with lots of open space, bubbling creeks. Perhaps the backdrop is peaceful suburbia which makes the mystery that much more compelling.

Stephen King and John Saul have written many a mystery like this. But in our world — the world of politics — our mystery takes place in Washington DC. And unlike fiction writers, our protagonist is real.

Who is out to get Kevin McCarthy? Who taped the phone calls? Could it be more than one person? What lies in wait for us? What new tapes are coming down the pike — and who will they implicate?

See, we could all be forgiven, I think, if we put our fiction aside for a bit. Because right now, there is a juicy, exotic, intriguing mystery going on in real-time — wrapped in a bow and waiting to be opened.

Who in the nest of vipers that is the GOP planned this? It had to be planned. Something like this is always premeditated. It hardly came out of nowhere.

It was written, directed, and choreographed — and it is being shown to us — one clue at a time. I can almost feel the anticipation. Can you? It’s so thick one could almost reach out and touch it.

Someone is gaslighting Kevin McCarthy. Someone- or perhaps more than one person- is having a good time doing it.

The evidence of Kevin’s cowardice is gathering up. But who else might be in the cross-hairs? What other clues will the ongoing mystery reveal? Who else might turn on each other?

And believe me, they are turning. Gaetz. Scalise. McCarthy. Even darling Tucker Carlson is furious. It’s a mystery to contend with — the political mystery that I’m sure would have even Hitchcock intrigued. Where will it take us next? Stay tuned.

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