This is turning into House of Cards

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Let us not forget the turtle in all the drama about Kevin McCarthy. Mitch McConnell is far from being blameless in all this. The turtle needs to come out of his shell and accept responsibility. This will likely not happen as Moscow Mitch and taking ownership of one’s actions definitely do not go together.

“The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a b###h for us,” the turtle reportedly declared. The DEMOCRATS? It sounds like the turtle was on our side all along — he wanted assolini OUT. I wonder how Maga-world will react to this and how we can use it to our advantage.

I already know the answer to one of these questions — Maga is apoplectic. They never liked the turtle, never saw Mitch as one of them, and have always wished for his exile. Will they get it?

That question ties into using this to our advantage. Every Republican candidate running must be asked what they think about the insurrection. Do they side with Trump? Or do they side with Mitch?

Imagine the discomfort of GOP candidates on stage — on television — having to either side with Trump or with everybody sane. Only now, they just might have to come out against McConnell. Trump is their master, and he may well insist on it. You could not make up a House of Cards episode this juicy. We are, right now, LIVING House of Cards. And this story is far from over. On the contrary, it seems to have only begun.

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