The Three Stooges

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Since Donald Trump decided to withdraw his endorsement of Mo Brooks, Brooks is losing it. The Guardian reported that Brooks said that Trump asked him to “rescind the 2020 election, remove Joe Biden from the White House and reinstate Trump.” Trump sure had an overinflated idea of Mo Brooks’ power, but Brooks’ statement said much more. He claims that Trump “allowed Mitch McConnell to manipulate him again.” Trump and McConnell are barely on speaking terms, so it is highly unlikely that anything McConnell says or does has any impact on Donald Trump whatsoever. It has obviously not occurred to Brooks that Trump is walking away because Brooks is so far behind in the race, and if there is anything Trump doesn’t like, it’s a loser (even though he is one himself).

Brooks turned the tables on Trump in this statement: “President Trump asked me to rescind the 2020 election, immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House, immediately put President Trump back in the White House, and hold a new special election for the presidency. As a lawyer, I’ve repeatedly advised President Trump that January 6 was the final election contest verdict and neither the U.S. Constitution nor the U.S. Code permit what President Trump asks. Period.” Okay, so is that why Brooks took to the stage on January 6 to tell people to “kick ass and take names?” You mean to say that he knew the election could not be overturned? What he has done is bought himself a one-way ticket to the House Select Committee for testimony, since they’re interested in Trump’s direct involvement in the insurrection.

Poor Mo Brooks. He thinks continuing to invoke Trump’s name is going to help him. The Guardian reported that Brooks said he is “still in the Alabama race as the only true Trumpist candidate.” He further said that he expected Trump to rescind his endorsement because Brooks (finally) decided to tell “the truth.” Neither Brooks nor Trump would know the truth if it ran up and punched them in their faces. He then proceeded to “eat cheese” on what Trump asked him to do following the election. Great. Another five-year-old who claims to want to represent the interests of Americans. He had no qualms about meeting with Trump to try to devise ways to “overturn” a free and fair election, yet he now claims it was all Trump’s doing. Sure, it was. He was in it up to his shifty eyeballs, and he did it to curry favor with Trump. We see how that’s working out for him.

Republicans don’t want Mo Brooks. As the Guardian points out, they have not forgotten Roy Moore and how he brought Democrat Doug Jones to the Senate from Alabama. Brooks would likely have no different results. Many people have tired of this entire line and all the craziness that has accompanied it since Trump first began the “big lie.” Good thing Brooks is a lawyer. He will have something to fall back on when he loses his race, or he can find someone to be Curly and start a new version of the Three Stooges.

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