President Joe Biden’s approval rating spikes amid Putin showdown

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President Joe Biden entered office with an approval rating near 60% and held onto that number for much of 2021. But over the past several months Biden’s average approval rating has dropped to the low forties. So what happened? The media’s ratings plummeted in the post-Trump era, and eventually the media got so desperate to generate controversy and get ratings back on track, it resorted to manufacturing phony Biden controversies.

How dishonest has the media become about Biden? Not only have the media’s lies driven Biden’s approval rating into the low forties, the media piles on by usually only quoting the lowest outlier among the various approval rating polls at any given time. It’s why you keep hearing from the media that Biden is in the low thirties, when anyone can look at the polling averages and see that it’s in the low forties.

But now things are suddenly shifting, in terms of the actual numbers and perhaps in terms of perception. Now that Vladimir Putin’s psychotic antics are giving the media all the ratings material it needs, suddenly the media seems less interested in hyping phony Biden scandals. And because Biden was made for this moment, his strong performance in rallying the world in favor of Ukraine and against Putin has caused numerous Americans to remember why they approved of Biden in the first place.

The brand new NPR/PBS/Marist poll shows Biden’s approval rating at 47%. This is just one poll, and we’ll have to wait for other major polling outlets to update their numbers before seeing what the new average number is. But if the new average does end up being near 47%, that’s a number that puts Biden strongly on track for reelection, and gives the Democrats a solid chance in the 2022 midterms. There is also reason to expect that Biden’s approval rating might rise even further in the coming weeks and months, if Biden’s worldwide effort does indeed result in the downfall of Putin.

It’ll be interesting to see how the media approaches this spike in Biden’s approval rating. This latest poll suggests that Biden has gone up by about six points. But because the media has spent months pretending Biden’s approval rating was in the low thirties, it would now have to claim that it’s spiked by fifteen points if it’s going to run with the new 47% number. If the media does finally admit that Biden is fairly popular, it’ll likely have a bandwagon effect that causes even more Americans to get back on board with supporting him.

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