Ted Cruz lays an egg

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I confess that I sometimes find it tough to get angry at Ted Cruz. That is because I don’t see Cruz as a politician. I think he has more in common with skunks than politicians. And I’m not talking about actual skunks who are, in reality, quite cute. No. I refer to the odor of said skunks—the odor of the spray can linger for days. Once one is sprayed by a skunk, it can be tricky to remove the lingering scent.

So yes, I associate Cruz with the spray of a skunk. And this somehow fits Rafael. Because he is in no way, shape, or form an actual politician. At CPAC, a chickenshit Rafael took to the floor to give his speech. He then proceeded to Call Jen Psaki “Peppermint Patty,” started the crazed crowd in let’s go Brandon chants, and implied Nancy Pelosi was a witch.

Cruz has also, in recent days, railed against President Biden. He’s blamed him for Ukraine and said the nomination of a black woman to the Supreme Court might, in fact, be illegal.

Rafael has really doubled down on the hate speech lately. I believe I know why. Ted Cruz is hoping to run for President in 2024. He could not possibly win. But that won’t stop Rafael, who wears his failures proudly and with no dignity.

In fact, he recently said as much, implying if Trump doesn’t run, which he won’t, then he, Rafael might be tempted to throw his hat in the ring. On one level, I think it might be somewhat fun for Cruz to run as we’d get to see him make a fool of himself on a daily basis.

Mr. Cruz is not helping the Ukraine situation, and in his speech at CPAC, he remarkably didn’t even mention them. So presidential! In reality Bugs Bunny has a better job of being elected President than Cruz. And Mr. Bunny would likely do a much better job as well.

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