New trouble for Kevin McCarthy

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It’s happening. The surge of antipathy toward a certain cowardly House member is getting stronger. We knew this would happen. I speak, of course, about a spineless person — THE spineless person — perhaps the biggest coward in politics.

I speak of Kevin McCarthy. We all know that all Kevin really wants is to be House Speaker. He salivates over it. Like a dog with a bone, he can’t stop pursuing his doomed-to-fail ambition.

And it isn’t working. The push-back has begun. Now I will speak of another idiot. This person’s name is Lou Dobbs. You remember him, do you not? Dobbs has always been a lunatic. He was Trumpy before Trumpism was even a thing.

One could turn in on any given night and see Dobbs, nose redder than Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, screaming at the Democrats, the audience, himself, and life in general. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.

Dobbs, of course, got himself canned from Fox non-news, proving that even they have SOME limits, although not many. And now Dobbs has come out — against Kevin McCarthy for Speaker. Let’s not minimize this. Dobs is reportedly well-liked by assolini, and you all know what he says goes in the insurrection party.

Speaking on Matt Gaetz’s podcast, Dobbs said McCarthy is a “RINO.”

“It’s a shame in my opinion that Kevin McCarthy wants to be speaker,” Dobbs said.

“It’s outrageous,” he continued. “The party needs strength.”

Dobbs then went on to explain Jim Jordan would be a fine choice proving that Dobbs really is as dopey as ever. But you see where this is going, right? You see how this all begins. Nobody wants Kevin in a leadership position. We will keep the House anyway, but the thing is — Kevin is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. He has no path to the speakership.

Even if the GOP did win — they don’t want him. Some seem repelled by him. So keep going, Kevin, on your merry and cowardly way. But don’t fool yourself. You are being repudiated, and this precious leadership position you ache for is going to continue to stay out of reach.

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