Kevin McCarthy’s house of cards is collapsing

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Did you ever watch the television show “House of Cards?” I imagine that some of you did. I was a mega-fan. But what is really stunning is our political reality is as strange as this show ever was. We are in the midst of an ongoing political soap opera that I imagine any screenwriter, hearing about it all for the first time, would be incredulous.

But now, the House of Cards is starting to fall for many in the insurrection party. And for one, embittered individual things are becoming untenable. This individual is Kevin McCarthy.

McCarthy has found new ways to show his cowardice lately. He appears to be utterly paralyzed with fear, does he not? He can’t hold onto his caucus, many of whom are a bunch of drooling, evil maniacs. And every day, it would appear Kevin’s house of cards tumbles just a bit more. And here comes yet another bizarre moment in the life of McCarthy.

A mysterious letter has been floated to the office of McCarthy. This letter is from dozens of Trump-supporting Republicans. Per The Independent, these Republicans are demanding the removal of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the House of Representatives Republican Caucus. They have asked Kevin to strip them from the GOP membership due to “their egregious actions.”

They are referring to the January 6 committee, which they specifically reference. So now Kevin will have a decision to make. Frankly, it would not surprise me if McCarthy did precisely as he was asked.

The man is a scared little snail wrapped in an outward shell of silence. He is silent on all the evil his more clownish members have caused, and he likely will have only one thing on his mind as he reads this letter — the Speaker’s job.

Kevin seems to covet the job to the distraction of literally anything that might interfere with that dream, even as his carefully constructed card house falls apart in real-time.

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