Lauren Boebert gets ripped to pieces by major newspaper in her home state

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Babies can be difficult to handle sometimes. As a small child, I know I was quite the handful for my parents! I think all children, at one point or another, do something that might cause a bit of embarrassment for their families. After all, little children have yet to build up the skills needed to always know right from wrong.

But as adults, we have had time to develop our world views and adjust our behavioral patterns. So our behavior has had a chance to adapt to the world and all its chaos. But what happens when one is a child emotionally locked in the body of an adult?

It happens. Sometimes people never advance into maturity. Their ids come back and bite them time and again. For Rep. Lauren Boebert, we are witnessing that in real-time. Her behavior lately — even by insurrection party standards — has been barbaric.

But the thing is, sometimes children get called out, and it is not just the families that do said calling out. In Boebert’s case, it is her own home paper. The Denver Post is the largest newspaper in Colorado. And they have written an editorial. In this editorial, they apologize to Rep. Ilhan Omar. The editorial goes on to say that Omar deserves “nothing short of a full apology.”

They call Boebert an “embarrassment and say she is “clearly incapable of remorse or reflection.”

“We apologize to the Congresswoman and to the Muslim community for Boebert’s insensitive remarks.”

“We are embarrassed a Colorado representative is engaged in widening this divide, and we are sorry we didn’t call her out the first time she used a derogatory reference toward you and other members of Congress who are women and minorities.”

We thank the Denver Post for doing this. Children, when they misbehave, need to be called out. Boebert did more than misbehave. She allowed the enraged and malicious child inside her, who has never grown up, to lash out in the worst of ways. This public condemnation is what we all need as it shows there are still mature adults in the room, ready, willing, and able to call out injustice when they see it.

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