House Republicans begin attacking and threatening each other as GOP falls into disarray

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The media always loves yelling around about how the Democrats are supposedly in disarray, whether it’s true or not, because it creates the kind of controversy that causes liberal viewers to stay tuned in out of fear and outrage, and causes right wing viewers to stay tuned in out of a mistaken sense of victory.

But now that the Democrats have come together to pass a massive infrastructure bill, and thirteen House Republicans voted for it, it’s the Republicans who are clearly in disarray – to the point that they’re now attacking each other and threatening to primary each other. DNC leadership did a good job of highlighting the Republicans in disarray:

The more infighting there is among the Republicans, the better it is strategically for the Democrats. But really, it’s about time for the media to begin acknowledging that it’s the Republicans who are in disarray. No matter what the Democrats say or do or accomplish, they don’t have a chance when it comes to their messaging unless the media is willing to frame things accurately.

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