This one is completely off the rails

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Conspiracies are swirling all around us. And some of them are so outlandish it is challenging to keep a straight face when writing about them. Like the one you’re about to read. So did you know, readers, that all of us have eggs growing inside us? All of us democrats, have secretly been injected with eggs.

And they are growing. This is serious, folks. The democrats are infested with eggs. They’re inside us all and were given to us via the Covid vaccine. And they’re soon to be hatching.

In us. All over us. Oh, dear. What’s an egg-ridden Democrat to do? It gets worse. The hatching has begun. Out of said eggs come “synthetic parasites.” They’re going to grow.

No, this is not an M. Night Shyamalan film. This is the theory of a batshit loony talk show host. And yes, he has spoken about this theory. The video came from Tru-News, an alt-right propaganda service.

This nutter, whose name I refuse to mention, refers to Covid vaccines as ” a global coup d’etat.” We are then referred to as “an evil cabal.” What does one even say? It is essential to know what is being said, especially since, sadly, conspiracy theories like this are growing far too familiar.

Yes, we can laugh at them. They are indeed funny in a macabre sort of way. But we need to be aware that what once would have been dismissed as crazy-talk by virtually EVERYONE is now accepted by a small percentage of our country. We need to make sure that number does not increase.

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