Merrick Garland strikes back

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As you may have heard, the 5th Circuit Court has allowed the Texas handmaid law to go back into effect. Not good news at all. But faster than one could say “bad decision,” Garland has filed an appeal. The Department of Justice is asking the Supreme Court for an emergency stop to this vile law while the legal battles play themselves out.

Now here is where it gets interesting. What will the highest Court in the land do? I suppose they could issue another non-decision in the dead of night.

They may not want to go that route. The Court received terrible press coverage for that act of cowardice, and if we know one thing, it’s that many of the Justices were not happy with said coverage.

In the weeks following their cowardly non-decision, the American people heard from nearly all the Justices who voted to uphold the law — and they most whined about how unfair the Press was to them.

The irony should not be lost. THEY were mistreated? Tell that to the women of Texas who have lost the ability to control their own bodies.

All the Justices on the right side of history need is to change one mind. Who will it be? Surely not Clarence Thomas. But what of the others? It will be interesting to observe what the highest Court in the land chooses to do. One thing is certain, though. The momentum is with us.

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