MAGA loons are melting down worse than ever

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MAGA appears to be driving people crazy with its contradictory attitudes. An excellent example of this comes in the form of the Covid vaccine. Biden has done, in my view, an excellent job of rolling out the vaccine and getting many vaccinated. Despite Chuck Todd’s whining that it’s Biden’s virus and he should try to get more of MAGA vaccinated, the truth is our President cannot force anyone to take the jab. But he can issue vaccine mandates.

That does not mean one HAS to be vaccinated. It just means that if they are not, there may be certain places they cannot go to or activities they cannot participate in. However, we see howls of protest from MAGA about “freedom.” This appears to be the new word replacing words like “woke” and “socialist.” (For now, at any rate.)

MAGA is furious about some offices saying one has to be vaccinated to come back to work in person. And many of them are doing something about it. What MAGA is doing — at least some of them — are quitting their jobs.

“Nobody tells me what to do.”

“I don’t want to work for someone who impinges on my freedom.”

“Guess it’s the poorhouse for awhile.”

Believe it or not, these are actual comments said by sullen Trump supporters who see Covid as not being real and the vaccine as being useless.

Yet now, they’re angry about something else as well. According to many of them, President Biden is stealing the compliments meant for Trump. What I mean by that is many in the MAGA world feel that their leader should be getting the credit for the Covid roll-out.

And here’s the perfect riddle, the perfect contradiction. If MAGA does not believe in vaccines and does not believe in Covid ), why would they WANT their leader to get credit?

According to many in Trump’s world, the whole Covid thing is part of a devious plot by Bill Gates to implant us all with micro-chips. Do they want their dear leader to get CREDIT for that? Don’t worry if this behavior does not make sense to you. It does not to me neither nor anyone who uses logic and reasoning in their approach to life.

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