Jim Acosta just nailed it

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The media has been horrible lately, and Palmer Report has rightfully called them out. But it is always good to remember the good ones. When a certain one shines, we must pay attention, just as we do when one or more does not shine. So, I am specifically mentioning Jim Acosta.

This is the second time I have done so, and he deserves it. The man appears to be fearless. He speaks boldly, and with little drama. This time Acosta eviscerated Fox death-news. Fox is no doubt a huge reason why so many people are sick and dying, and Acosta let them have it: Fox doesn’t have the balls to tell the truth about COVID. They just want to make money off the pandemic.

Sigh. Thank you! Now I have a rhetorical question. Why can’t they all be like that? Is it really so difficult to say? Most people know this, so I’d like to hear it more. I hope to see even more of Acosta, and judging by the regular admiration he has been receiving, I’ve no doubt we will.

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now