MAGA loons go bonkers over California Governor recall election

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“The Democrats are cheating!”

“They’re stealing it again!”

“My ballot looks odd — there are all these holes in it.”

“They can’t win without cheating.”

“Save our election!’

You have undoubtedly heard these words before from MAGA. But the words above do not come from the Presidential election of 2020. No, these quotes refer to the California recall election.

These are actual quotes from MAGA. You see, MAGA has worked itself into a state of hysteria. This is because right-wing propaganda is at it again, whispering in their cultish ears. And MAGA is becoming undone.

Many of them think Governor Newsom and the Democrats are in a plot to steal California from them. This is not true, of course, as California was never there’s to steal. But this pesky little fact does not appear to matter to MAGA.

Their minds have become jello. Their minds are also conditioned by cultish propaganda machines that turn these voters into their own little brainwashed zombies. MAGA seems to have no critical thinking skills. They now seem convinced that if they lose any election, it is because Democrats cheated.

We must win the fight to keep Governor Newsom. It is also essential to succeed in large numbers. So, I will be writing about the recall regularly, keeping people informed. You can do your part in several different ways. Phone banking, knocking on doors, donating are all great ways to help.

So is talking to the middle-of-the-road voters or Californians who just don’t seem to know about the recall or who do not appear to be highly invested in it.

You could also volunteer to drive people to the polls. Most of MAGA say they plan to vote in person. Many people out there may want to do the same and deliver their ballots to drop boxes. In any event, we must work hard to save California from the corrosive influence of MAGA.

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