Joe Biden just nailed it

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Republicans might be preoccupied with a phony border crisis – although the reality is that they consider immigration itself to be a crisis, and this is why party leaders typically use the threat of a caravan at the southern border to rile their base. The bad news for them is that the current administration has been nothing but practical when responding to the situation of migrants at the border by working with other countries to reduce the number of refugees who cross and processing the ones who do arrive at the southern border in a quick and humane manner. Now, the Biden administration is taking strides against righting an immigration issue that was problematic even before Donald Trump took office: returning deported U.S. veterans to the states.

Fulfilling a promise President Biden made on the campaign trail, he has ordered the Department of Homeland Security to stop targeting veterans, and the DHS released a memo on Friday seeking to not only ensure the safety of immigrant veterans and their relatives in the states, but also the creation of a Military Resource Center and working closely with both the Veterans Affairs and Defense Department so that immigrants serving in the armed forces can better access their health benefits and even take their oath of citizenship while completing basic training.

Yet again, the Biden administration is showing what the best of cooperative government has to offer, and it’s hard to believe that just six months ago, all three of these departments were on the verge of being gutted, while DHS’ temporary staff was trying to be as draconian as possible. This is a significant step in the right direction.

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