Mitch McConnell sinks to a whole new low

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Everybody has different motivations in life. Different things drive people. And in the case of Senator Mitch McConnell, his sole drive is power. McConnell (power-driven-insurrection party-Kentucky) can best be described as a robot. He’s a robot who is built for ruthlessness. The robot’s sole function is to fool the American people and make each and every Democrat’s life a living misery.

I love Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy’s tweet. Part of it reads: “Listen, Mitch McConnell’s all-consuming motivation to is stop anything from passing when Democrats are in control … It’s what he wakes up thinking about, it’s what he eats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it’s what he dreams about at night.”

Murphy’s words are, I believe, the most accurate description of McConnell I’ve heard yet. And now other GOP Senators are going to be tested. Certain Senators such as Mitt Romney (Utah) and Rob Portman (Ohio), to name a few, claim they want President Biden’s agenda to succeed. But do they?

They will be put to the test sooner rather than later. McConnell will attempt to turn them against Biden’s infrastructure plan. He will use lies and manipulation. I don’t know how many of you know about the famous “Blue eyes, brown eyes” experiment.

Back in 1968, on April 5th, the day after the assassination of Marin Luther King, Jr., a teacher by the name of Jane Elliott did an experiment. She divided the children in her class by eye color, telling the students that the children with brown eyes were more intelligent than those with blue. This was an experiment to show how easy it is for racism to exist. The daring experiment also showed how easy it is to pit people against each other.

McConnell will try everything in his power in the upcoming weeks to turn every GOP member against Biden. He is wired to do so. It is all he cares about. Can the robot be stopped? That depends on the courage of these Senators. They are going to be tested like never before. We shall see if they’re up for the challenge.

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