Laura Ingraham just stepped in it

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Fox News host Laura Ingraham sure did something that defies logic the other night. We go after Tucker Carlson so often that Ingraham often gets left behind. However, her latest move is worth talking about, only maybe not the way one might think.

Like her other partners in racism, the Nurse Ratched-like host is not a fan of Critical Race Theory. And recently, she has seemed not to be a fan of our great military either.

Ingraham went a bit nuts even by her standards this week after General Mark Milley spoke the truth in a stirring and intelligent speech that made Ingraham, along with her racist buddies, look like ignorant brats-which they are.

So, Ingraham, having an on-air meltdown, demanded that Congress defund the military! Wow. Them’s fightin words, Miss Ingraham. But I am hoping she stays on the air. Why? Because this is great for our side. The GOP has moved from backing the blue to screwing over the blue.

Now, they appear to hate the military. And many of them want to defund the military. And we’re heading into the midterm elections. Thank you very much, GOP, for showing the world, including moderates, who you really are.

No longer can the GOP say they back the blue. No longer can they say they back the Military. No longer can they say they back-well-anybody except for maybe the former guy and Mr. Potato Head. Kudos to Ingraham for helping our side so very much. If she and her beastly buddies keep at it, maybe we will win double the amount of seats we expect.

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