We told you Nancy Pelosi was going to make a 1/6 congressional investigation happen

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When most Senate Republicans voted last week against the creation of a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6th Capitol attack, it was an unpatriotic and shameful move. But as Palmer Report explained at the time, it was not going to prevent a 1/6 congressional investigation from happening. Sure enough, we’re now getting confirmation of this.

Just as she strongly hinted at during a press conference two weeks ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now moving forward with a plan to make sure a 1/6 congressional investigation still happens. According to NBC News, she’s narrowed it down to four possibilities, one of which is – as we predicted – a 1/6 select committee.

The kicker is that if you’ve been following closely, you knew with certainty that this was coming. Given that Pelosi and the Democrats have the power to designate a committee to investigate the Capitol attack, it was always going to happen. And if you didn’t want to rely on logic alone, all you had to do was listen to Pelosi during her press conference.

The real question is why almost no one in the mainstream media pointed out this inevitable outcome when Republican Senators voted down the bipartisan 1/6 commission. Instead the media left audiences with the false impression that there wouldn’t be a congressional investigation, it was all over, and all hope was lost. This kind of doomsday fear mongering for ratings is exhausting. In any case, as Palmer Report told you, a 1/6 congressional investigation is obviously going to happen.

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