Ted Cruz just stepped in it

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Ted Cruz is an idiot. Most of us already know this. Not only is he an idiot he is a liar. And he deserted his state when they needed him most. The thing about Cruz is just when one thinks he has gone the lowest he can go, one discovers he can always go lower. There is seemingly no end to the depths of disgust this bottom feeder will go.

Well, now we can add a masochist to the long line of things Senator Cruz is. And it really shouldn’t surprise anyone.

So here is the latest bumbling idiocy from the Texas coward.

ABC13 in Houston, Texas, tweeted out a travel announcement which said the following: “Excited to travel again? This airline can hook you up with a cheap flight to sunny Cancun or even Las Vegas!”

“Awesome!” a clueless Cruz tweeted back.

This, of course, brought back all the drama from earlier this year. And now Cruz once again has stepped in it. Nobody has forgotten for one minute how the man who calls himself a Senator abandoned the people of Texas. And his flippant response to this tweet merely shows what we have known all along: this is a man who does not care one iota about his constituents.

Cruz seemingly cannot keep himself out of the news for a minute, and adding to that fact is that he cannot seem to stop himself from getting ratioed on Twitter at a rate too high for even the best of us to keep up with. And making matters worse for the cowardly Cruz, he seems oblivious to all of these facts.

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