Kevin McCarthy is just plain lost

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It’s time for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to be ousted. He has no idea what he is saying or doing, and his ramblings are making us dizzy. After leading the charge for having Liz Cheney ousted for refusing to follow his and the GOP’s demands to bend the knee to Trump and acknowledge and accept the Big Lie as truth, McCarthy greeted reporters after a meeting with President Biden and other Congressional leaders at the White House on Wednesday, singing a different tune.

“I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the Presidential election,” said McCarthy. “I think that is all over with.” Oh, really?

Trump has shown no indication he has accepted his definitive loss, or suddenly accepted any truth or reality at all. On Tuesday night, Trump issued a statement touting a proposed requirement for voter ID in the UK, saying the US should adopt something similar “so we never again have an election rigged and stolen from us.” I suppose McCarthy will soon be singing that tune as well, once he is back to parroting Trump and the like-minded folks in his own party.

I’ve often thought McCarthy appeared to be a lost pup, but I obviously had him all wrong. He’s a lost parrot, randomly repeating tunes as he stumbles from one Washington leader or authoritarian bully to the next, apparently unable to distinguish between the two. When will the GOP stop putting the clowns out front and find some serious, less dangerous and confusing acts to lead this circus?

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