This explains things

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Because of the job Joe Biden is doing as President, we are learning just how bad the last administration was. Obviously, we knew they were bad, but as governmental departments dig through the quagmire of the last administration, we are getting information to which we were not earlier privy. Take the COVID-19 pandemic, for example. We knew that the former administration was too busy trying to pretend the virus out of existence to do anything meaningful toward eradicating it. According to Politico, a newly uncovered State Department report confirms what we already knew: the U.S. was “void of international leadership” to help combat the crisis.

State Department spokesperson Ned Price declined to comment on the report Politico somehow found, saying that it is a draft which others need to review. He does, however, compliment Antony Blinken and the Biden administration for their focus from day one on the virus. Price told Politico that they have vaccinated “nearly 200,000” of their workforce, both domestic and abroad, and he said that identifying and accounting for mistakes made in the earlier administration has made the difference. The last “president” was not the least concerned about getting Americans vaccinated. He, as usual, focused on vengeful behavior such as blaming China and pulling out of WHO, both of which crippled the response.

Politico reported that State Department officials harbored “deep frustrations” with the handling of the pandemic response by the last administration. Their drive to “stop people from panicking” and to “reassure people” (which was a crock) did nothing but make the pandemic worse from both a domestic and global standpoint. These officials believe that the lack of handling the pandemic hindered foreign policy goals and endangered people by failing to warn citizens about travel. The report details these mistakes and more that were made at the beginning of the pandemic. Just think: If Joe Biden had been president when this pandemic broke out, things would look differently now. Many lives would have been saved, and we likely would not have had the mass shutdown of the economy that we have suffered for over a year.

Even though he was handed a big pile of rotted lemons, President Joe Biden has managed to make some mighty tasty lemonade. Thanks to the president, over 200 million have been vaccinated (over 110 fully), and we are beginning to see some semblance of normality. Apparently, 63% of Americans appreciate President Biden’s work, as shown by the latest Associated Press-NORC poll. Likely one of the most important, telling aspects of this poll is that Americans are feeling optimistic about the future, something we could not bring ourselves to do a mere six months ago. 54% of Americans believe the country is moving in the right direction, which is the highest since a 2017 AP-NORC poll according to the Hill. 71% approve of the president’s handling of the pandemic, including 47% of Republicans. Even though he was left with a complete mess on many levels, President Biden is determined to turn things around, and he is doing just that.

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