Department of Justice targets phony Arizona “recount”

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The Department of Justice has let it be known that Cyber Ninjas so-called ‘audit’ of voting ballots and machines in Maricopa County, Arizona, may be in violation of federal law. Cyber Ninjas is the contractor being used for the audit. It has been reported that Cyber Ninjas has no such audit experience, and has Q’Anon connections, along with other strange and shady things about it.

In a letter to GOP Senate President Karen Fann, the head of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, Pamela S. Karlan, said that the Arizona Senate’s farming out of 2.1 million ballots to a contractor may run afoul of a federal law requiring ballots to remain in control of election officials for 22 months.

She was further informed that if the contractor started visiting voters to confirm ballots, as it had indicated were in its plans, that could also very well be illegal voter intimidation.

Karlan asked Fann to lay out how the Senate and its contractors will ensure that federal laws are being followed, pointing to news reports showing lax security. Fann said Senate attorneys were working on a response. Hopefully, they will tell Karlan they need some help or direction on how to safely confiscate the ballots and machines back to Maricopa County. According to Arizona’s SOS, they have shown they are not following the required good npractices.

Karlan’s letter came six days after voting rights advocates asked the DOJ to intervene, claiming, “We are concerned that the auditors are engaging in ongoing and imminent violations of federal voting and election laws.”

Also in the news Wednesday was that these contractors were requiring observers to sign non-disclosure agreements. This has certainly appeared to be something more akin to a crazy reality show than an audit all along, but maybe they are planning to actually make a show or documentary of it? Who knows?

They were also reportedly searching for bamboo in the ballots, trying to prove that some were flown in from Asia? You cannot make this stuff up.

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