Don Lemon has had just about enough of CNN’s continued employment of Rick Santorum

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Even with the Trump era having come and gone, CNN still seems to think that “unbiased coverage” means giving a voice to people like Rick Santorum who use their airtime to tell nothing but racist lies. Things came to a head tonight, on air.

It all started when Chris Cuomo used his nightly CNN show to interview Rick Santorum. Cuomo used the interview to rip Santorum to pieces for his recent disgusting remarks about Native Americans. Much as we think Santorum should never be allowed on the air, it was at least refreshing to see him properly get put in his place for once.

Then at the top of the hour came the host handoff from Chris Cuomo to Don Lemon. The two are friends, but they have a history of publicly disagreeing over Cuomo’s habit of booking horribly dishonest people just to confront them. During the handoff, Cuomo and Lemon ended up getting a bit heated about how to solve the Santorum problem.

Don Lemon said he’s “got a solution” for dealing with Rick Santorum’s racist lies, but he didn’t want to say what it was. So we’ll say what Don Lemon couldn’t get away with saying: his bosses at CNN need to fire Rick Santorum’s racist ass immediately. That’s the solution. If CNN wants the right wing represented on its network, it needs to find a conservative pundit who isn’t a lying racist.

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