Tim Scott crashes and burns

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The GQP has sent Sen. Tim Scott out to draw fire and praise single mothers for their hard work. It’s wonderful to hear him give props to his own mother and voice his appreciation for the strength, courage and love of his mother. How very touching.

How very curious.

Is the GQP addressing any of the problems facing single mothers? No!

Is the GQP doing anything to prevent the plight of single mothers by promoting policies that protect the rights of women? No!

Is the GQP easing the restrictions on food stamps? No!

Or supporting tax credits for families with children? No!

Or backing legislation that guarantees the health and bodily autonomy of women? NO!

So, just what is Tim Scott of South Carolina doing to ease the trials and tribulations of single mothers and women in general? Nothing!

What is the GQP doing in Georgia, South Carolina or any of the 40+ states pushing voter restriction laws to deprive people of color of their Constitutional right to choose candidates who will address their concerns? 
Nothing good.

What is the GQP doing to end systemic racism in the US? The GQP refuse to even admit that such ingrained, endemic and systemic racism exists in the US. So, the answer is obviously nada!

Tim Scott is the only African-American on the GQP side in the Senate. The question is: why?

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