President Joe Biden is hitting the ground running

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Joe Biden… President Joe Biden… need to get used to adding in “President” really hit the ground running. On the first half-day he not only rejoined the Paris Climate Accord and the WHO, he stopped the Keystone Pipeline and declared a moratorium on drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. He also paused student loan payment, interest, penalties, and collection, and he stopped housing foreclosures at least until the end of March. This is but a handful of the Day One actions. Even though those actions are important and affect us all on both a macro- and personal level, one thing he did yesterday stands out as the most important thing we could have seen as a people, as the country he now leads.

He swore in over 1,000 individual appointees to his support staff. Now, why, you may ask is that important? It happens at administration change, it happens as each new appointment is made. And yet… seeing this huge teleconference call in which all these folks were asked to swear their to do their duty under the Constitution to the United States was a step in the healing.

We have heard for four years how The Previous Occupant required, expected, demanded loyalty to him not the Constitution, not the Citizens of the United States.

It was a day filled with Oaths. From Vice-President Harris, to President Biden, to three new Senators, to these 1,000 new appointees. It should be noted that President Biden’s Oath is somewhat different (and in my opinion, less stringent) than the Oath of the Vice President, Senators, and those new federal appointees. This oath is, in fact, the oath taken by everyone but the President. Yesterday’s Oaths remind us of what four years of the previous administration ignored – what four years of the previous administration stole from the United States of America.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

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