Josh Hawley just dug himself an even deeper hole

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Just how much trouble is insurrectionist Senator Josh Hawley in? Even his boss Mitch McConnell seemed to blame him (without saying his name) earlier today for the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol. Now Hawley has made things even worse for himself.

Josh Hawley just blocked what would have been near-immediate confirmation of President Biden’s nominee to run Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. This won’t change anything; Mayorkas will still be confirmed within a few days. But it’s raising questions about what Hawley thinks he’s doing.

There’s always a tendency to try to figure out a person’s strategy when they do dumb and pointless things like this. Perhaps Hawley mistakenly thinks this move somehow makes him look good. Maybe he’s under the wildly mistaken impression that delaying the new DHS boss for a few days might delay any investigation into his role in inciting the Capitol attack.

But in our experience, when someone is in a deep hole and they do something bizarre and pointless like this, it’s usually simply because they’re panicking to the point that they’re digging a deeper hole for themselves for no logical reason.

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