Donald Trump is going to crap himself when he sees Robert Mueller on the new cover of Time Magazine

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Donald Trump has famously (and incorrectly) bragged that he’s been on the cover of Time Magazine more times than quarterback Tom Brady has. Trump also complained to his own White House staff after his adviser Steve Bannon was portrayed on the cover of Time as being the ‘real’ president. So Trump is going to crap himself when he sees who – and what – is on the cover of the latest issue of Time Magazine.

Not only is Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the cover of the new issue Time, he’s referred to as “The Lie Detector” with the subheader “Someone’s not telling the truth.” Donald Trump has spent weeks kvetching about Mueller, telling friends that he might try to find a way to fire him. This has come even as the leaders of his own Republican Party have begged him not to do something so stupid, and the Democrats have essentially dared him to try it. And now the Mueller cover story is nothing short of devastating.

Time starts off with this blow aimed at Trump: “The first law of holes is, if you’re in one, stop digging. Three times, Trump heard assurances from former FBI director James Comey that the Russia investigation wasn’t aimed at him. Instead of putting his shovel down, though, Trump worked it furiously. According to Comey’s sworn testimony, Trump pushed the G-man for a public exoneration, and when Comey demurred, he may have pressed his case with Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers. Unsatisfied, he fired Comey in ham-fisted fashion, then reportedly boasted to Russian visitors that he did it to take pressure off the investigation. Now he’s in the hounded condition of various predecessors: struggling to regain control of the agenda, lashing out at aides, shouting at television sets and peppering his dig-the-hole-deeper tweets with all-caps exasperation.”

The Time Magazine cover story then goes on to lay out the ways in which Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to tear Donald Trump apart. You can read it here.

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