Ted Cruz hits the panic button after accusations of sedition

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We all watched Ted Cruz go from rabidly anti-Trump during the 2016 election, to rabidly pro-Trump when he was trying to get reelected to the Senate in 2018. Cruz has remained firmly and embarrassingly on the Trump bandwagon ever since, and Cruz has recently taken it to seditious lows.

In fact Ted Cruz was one of the people who incited yesterday’s deadly domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol Building. But now that Biden has been certified as the winner, and Trump has since admitted that Biden will be taking office, Cruz is suddenly trying to pretend he’s always been anti-Trump.

Ted Cruz said this to ABC, as documented by CNN: “The president’s language and rhetoric often goes too far. I think, yesterday in particular, the president’s language and rhetoric crossed the line and it was reckless … I disagree with it, and I have disagreed with the president’s language and rhetoric for the last four years.”

Yeah right. Ted Cruz is attempting to do yet another one of his infamous flip flops – and this one is off the rails. He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. Our view is that he should be expelled from the Senate and criminally charged for the Capitol attack, so a judge and jury can determine his culpability.

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