New York Attorney General goes after Donald Trump over U.S. Capitol terrorist attack

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This evening we learned that federal prosecutors are now probing Donald Trump over his role in inciting yesterday’s domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. Reports also surfaced that Trump is planning to try to pardon himself on all possible federal charges on his way out the door.

That makes it notable that New York Attorney General Tish James issued this statement tonight: “I’m calling on the Justice Department to launch a full investigation into Wednesday’s attempted coup at the US Capitol, instigated by President Trump, Trump family members, and members of Congress. All who fanned the flames that led to this failed coup must be held responsible.”

This is important, because if Trump is able to use a self-pardon to evade or even delay federal prosecution for this terrorist attack, it would be up to state Attorneys General like James to find a way to claim jurisdiction and bring state charges. It’s notable that James mentioned “Trump family members” – almost surely a reference to Donald Trump Jr – as he’s a resident of New York City.

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