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House Republicans now have a lunatic in Lauren Boebert who wants to carry a gun, and a lunatic in Marjorie Taylor Greene who promotes Q anon. Let’s turn these two into rock stars and household names. Let’s make them the new face of the GOP. Then we make the 2022 midterms a referendum on these two clowns.

We can cost a lot of House Republicans their seats in 2022, simply by forcing them to either endorse or disown the deranged antics of Boebert and Greene. House Republicans will all lose some votes in their districts, no matter which side they choose.

This is essentially what the Republicans did to us in 2020. They made up fake caricatures of AOC and the Squad, then used it to attack every House Democrat facing reelection. We can do the same to the GOP in 2022, except we don’t have to (and shouldn’t) make up fake versions of Boebert and Greene. They’re already cartoon villains; all we have to do is quote them.

We should keep asking every House Republican if they agree with Boebert’s insistence on carrying a gun into the Capitol building, and if they agree with the insane conspiracies that Greene keeps spouting. We force them to pick a side. Picking either side will cost them a certain segment of voters back home.

The prevailing liberal mindset is to fret and lament over the fact that monstrosities like Boebert and Greene exist, and to say “well we shouldn’t give them any attention.” But this is why we lose. Boebert and Greene are a huge gift to us. We should make them into national stars, and then use them against the entire GOP. It’s almost too easy.

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now