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Here’s the thing about Ted Cruz’s attempt at getting the Republican Senate to oppose the election results. Even most of Trump’s biggest far-right allies in the senate, such as Mike Lee, Rob Portman, and Tom Cotton, are pushing back against Cruz.

Instead, Cruz is attracting a handful of Republican Senators whose behavior is, shall we say, suspicious to begin with. For instance the list includes Senator Ron Johnson, who is arguably even more pro-Putin than Trump is. And of course we’ve all long been wondering why Ted Cruz went from being angrily anti-Trump to humiliatingly pro-Trump overnight.

So many far-right Republican Senators are deciding that they don’t think this stunt is a good idea for them politically. Yet the specific Republican Senators who are siding with Trump on this are the same ones who have long been behaving as if Trump and/or Putin were blackmailing them.

It’ll all come out in the end one way or the other. If Trump has indeed been blackmailing certain Republicans, the evidence will surface in the course of Trump’s upcoming downfall. In the meantime, the likes of Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson aren’t doing anything to make us less inclined to ask if they’re being blackmailed.

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