Don’t let Ben Sasse get away with it

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Republican Senator Ben Sasse voted to acquit Trump when he knew he was guilty. It’s cute that Sasse is vaguely taking the correct side now that it’s all over and Trump is defeated. But Sasse gets zero points for this. Every republican senator who voted to acquit Trump should go to prison with him.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley’s real motive for pretending the “contest” the election results has been revealed, and – to the surprise of no one – it’s about money.

So what’s the real difference between someone like Ben Sasse and someone like Josh Hawley? Sasse wants us to believe that he’s reasonable, forthright, mainstream, and that he morally opposed Trump from the start – none of which is true. Hawley is trying to cash in what’s left of the dying Trump movement. They’re merely two sides of the same despicable Republican Senate coin.

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