Donald Trump is “disappointed” that it’s all gone wrong for him

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– Donald Trump now says he’s “disappointed” in the Supreme Court. He’s going to be a whole lot more disappointed in criminal court. I’m not sure most people appreciate how quickly Trump is about to go from petitioning the court as President of the United States, to petitioning the court as a defendant.

– Trump: I’ll have to be dragged out of the White House. Everyone: what channel can we watch this on?

– Oh good, Trump stooge Peter Navarro has written some kind of book report on why the election was supposedly rigged. Can’t wait to get my printed copy, because I’m running out of fire wood and I need something to burn.

– Tweet of the day, from Dr. Vin Gupta: “I’ve spent my career in public health: as a clinician, researcher and military officer. I’ve had several failures and some wins. And yet, having Ted Cruz, Laura Ingraham, and Tucker Carlson repeatedly attack me in the last 24 hours is perhaps the clearest sign of real impact.”

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