Donald Trump’s life is over

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When Donald Trump lost the deciding states by margins like 20,000 and 80,000 votes, it was over for him right then and there. He’d never be able to come up with a legal case broad enough to get that many votes thrown out, meaning his losses in court would be automatic. But he insisted on fighting it for five weeks anyway, and now even the Supreme Court has emphatically told him it’s over.

So now what? One way or the other, Trump is leaving office. He can whine and cry about the Electoral College vote on Monday, but it won’t help him. He and his cronies can stomp their feet while the results are being confirmed in Congress, but it won’t stop anything. Trump has literally no recourse at this point. Everything he tried was going to fail, but now he has nothing to even try anymore.

Today’s news about the Manhattan District Attorney putting employees from Trump’s bank and insurance company in front of the grand jury means that Trump will be criminally indicted soon enough. Moreover, his financial house of cards is about to collapse. His future consists of bankruptcy and state prison, and little else.

Trump will have to choose how he wants to leave office. Does he want to spend these remaining six weeks playing nice in the hope of criminal leniency, or quietly trying to pilfer as much money as he can on his way out the door, or loudly making empty threats in the hope of scaring some prosecutor somewhere into giving him a plea deal? Does he want to leave the White House loudly and angrily on Joe Biden’s inauguration day, or duck out for Mar-a-Lago the week before and never come back?

These choices are Trump’s to make, and we’ll see what he does. But one way or the other, Trump is finished. His life as he knows it is over. His life is now about prison and bankruptcy, and trying to fend off both. Trump is going down. The only remaining choices Trump has left are in regard to how he chooses to go down. Meanwhile, America is set to move forward without him, and to work on cleaning up the awful mess he’s left us.

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