The Jeff Sessions lying outburst that’ll spring a thousand leaks incriminating him

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Jeff Sessions spent his testimony today trying to avoid giving specific answers to any questions about anything he’s said or done, while trying to generically insist that he’s done nothing wrong. That led to several confrontational moments, along with Sessions saying “I don’t recall” so many times, one might think he had amnesia. But Sessions did deliver one clear message during an angry outburst – and it’s one which he’ll end up wishing he had back.

Former FBI Director James Comey testified last week that he knew early on that Sessions would end up having to recuse himself from the Trump-Russia invitation because there were “problematic” things about Sessions that he couldn’t disclose. That led Senator Ron Wyden to ask Sessions today what those problematic matters are.

This prompted Jeff Sessions to leave his usual affability behind in favor of angrily barking, “Why don’t you tell me? There are none, Senator Wyden. There are none. I can tell you that for absolute certain. This is secret innuendo being leaked out there about me.” The trouble here for Sessions is multifaceted. For one thing, he’s lying. There’s long been documentation that he’s been lying about his meetings with the Russian government, and only admitting to them piecemeal as they’ve been gradually exposed – and he’s still lying about his meeting with the Russian Ambassador at the Mayflower Hotel. In addition, Sessions is lying about James Comey, and falsely accusing Comey of spreading innuendo about him. In so doing, Sessions just spit in the face of the entire intelligence community, and (perhaps unwittingly) dared them to go ahead and expose those lies.

So now we can expect the intel community, both in the U.S. and abroad, to begin leaking the details of why Comey and the FBI knew Jeff Sessions was compromised, and what those “problematic” issues were. Sessions, either out of spite or perhaps without realizing what he was doing, just assured his own eventual downfall. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter.

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