This isn’t going anywhere

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Another day, another dead-end scheme on the part of Donald Trump and his friends to keep the illusion going that he’s still “contesting” the election, so his supporters will keep lining his pockets. Immediately after losing his Pennsylvania case in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Trump’s pals are now pretending they can magically overturn the results in the Pennsylvania State Legislature. They can’t.

One clown named Doug Mastriano, a Republican State Senator in Pennsylvania, announced that the Republican legislature is going to try to overturn the election. But as Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman pointed out, the state’s Republican legislature at large is already shutting down Mastriano’s idea.

This is an imaginary thing being championed by a handful of people who aren’t even in charge of the process, and what they’re proposing would automatically be struck down by the courts anyway, on the grounds of being plainly illegal. As Lieutenant Governor Fetterman put it in response to a respondent who was worried the imaginary scheme might somehow magically work, “It ain’t going nowhere.”

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