Jeff Sessions admits he left James Comey alone with Donald Trump in the Oval Office

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions is using his testimony today before the Senate Intelligence Committee to try to split the difference between not incriminating himself and not incriminating Donald Trump. He’s refusing to answer some questions based on executive privilege, while insisting he’s not invoking executive privilege. But through the doublespeak and bluster, Sessions unwittingly gave away something crucial.

While being questioned by Senator Mark Warner today, Jeff Sessions declined to acknowledge that Donald Trump cleared the room in order to speak with FBI Director James Comey privately. But Sessions did acknowledge the following: “I did depart, I believe everyone else did depart, and Director Comey was sitting in front of the President’s desk and they were talking.” In other words, events did happen in the manner in which Comey testified.

Sessions also went on to admit in the next breath that Comey came to him the next day and expressed concern about being left alone with Donald Trump going forward. This serves to further corroborate Comey’s testimony and version of events. And it serves to further undermine Trump’s claims that he didn’t try to pressure Comey or exert influence on him with regard to the Russia investigation.

Much of the rest of Jeff Sessions’ testimony consisted of obfuscation, obstruction, and dozens of instances of the phrase “I don’t recall.” But even through all his hesitancy, Sessions did serve to help Comey’s cause today, thus making Trump’s version of events even less credible in the eyes of the general public. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter.

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