Hey Donald Trump, we may have found your White House leaker. It’s Kellyanne Conway.

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Donald Trump has become almost singularly obsessed with so-called “leakers” who have been revealing information that he doesn’t want out there. We use the word in quotation marks because Trump can’t seem to distinguish between actual leakers who illegally give out classified information, and people who merely share things that they have every legal right to share. Trump is now even trying to falsely paint former FBI Director James Comey as a leaker for merely making his own notes public. But Trump might try looking closer to home when it comes to these kinds of “leakers.”

According to a Twitter account which purports to have overheard the incident, and has some photo evidence and other circumstantial evidence to back it up, Kellyanne Conway is a White House leaker. She’s purported to have been dishing on other White House personnel to reporters in off-the-record fashion at an embassy party in such loud fashion yesterday that her words were overheard.

Here’s some of what @kellyanneleaks has to say about the incident:

You can find the rest of the accusatory tweets, which involve dirt about Reince Priebus, at @kellyanneleaks. This is not the first time in which Kellyanne Conway has been accused of making offhand derogatory remarks about Donald Trump to reporters. MSNBC Morning Joe cohost Mika Brzyzinski has accused Conway of saying off-camera that defending Trump made her feel like she needed to take a shower.

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