Wisconsin audits its ballots and Donald Trump ends up losing votes

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Donald Trump wants us all to believe that he can somehow magically overturn the results of the election in several key states. But as Palmer Report has been pointing out all week, and as even Karl Rove acknowledged in a Wednesday night op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Trump lost those states by far too big of margins to have any platform for contesting them.

Take, for instance, Wisconsin. Joe Biden won the state by about 20,000 votes. Anyone who is familiar with recounts will tell you that they never end up changing the vote totals by more than a few hundred votes one way or the other. In fact, now that most Wisconsin counties have finished canvassing and auditing their ballots, Donald Trump actually lost 271 votes that he previously had.

This is simply how the process works. If Trump succeeds in forcing a full recount in Wisconsin, it once again won’t change the results by more than a few hundred votes at most. That’s also going to be the case in Georgia, where Joe Biden is now ahead by about 14,000 votes. These results simply aren’t getting overturned.

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