So much for the shy Trump supporter

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– State polls were a disaster and we’ll have to sort that out later. But for now, consider this: the national polling averages in 2020 said Joe Biden would win by 8 points. Based on projections about the final totals once all the slow counting in California is finally finished, Biden is likely to win by 5 points. That’s within the stated margin of error. The national polls weren’t wrong. So there is no “shy” Trump voter. There never was.

– When we look back on the final numbers – Biden getting more than 300 electoral votes and winning the popular vote by about seven million votes – we’re going to realize this was a blowout all along. It was never close. The results were just counted in weird order, that’s all.

– Tweet of the day, from Andrew Yang: “Even my 8 year old knows that when you lose a race it’s over.”

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