Donald Trump’s endgame disaster

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“The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear,” said George W. Bush. Thus far only a few Republican Senators including Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and Ben Sasse, have congratulated Joe Biden. In the face of Donald Trump’s defeat, his enablers continue to cower to him. Joe Biden obviously couldn’t care less as he moves forward with plans to benefit all of us.

CNN reported that Biden’s transition team announced Biden’s coronavirus advisers, and one of them may be a surprise: Rick Bright, the whistleblower from the Trump administration whose early warnings about the severity of the pandemic fell on deaf ears. Eventually — likely to shut him up — the Trump administration removed him. Unlike “president” Trump, President-elect Biden takes the virus very seriously, making it his top priority. Given that Johns Hopkins University released new data Sunday showing over 9.9 million cases, Biden’s assessment is correct.

Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will receive a briefing from the new task force, and President-elect Biden will address his plans for fighting this deadly virus, as well as plans to rebuild our economy. Trump continued to belittle the virus to the very end, culminating in Mark Meadows testing positive after attending an election night party, and Ben Carson, who attended the same party, has also tested positive according to Politico. While Trump and his cohorts — who have access to medicines that most of us do not – continue to pretend the virus does not exist or is not dangerous, the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation have predicted 370,000 deaths by Inauguration Day. Donald Trump created this mess, and he does not have the decency to concede after losing. Who in their right mind wants this disaster to continue in the presidency? Americans want help and healing, both from the virus and from the plague of division Trump spread across our nation. His reign of terror has not yet ended.

Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper Monday. Trump is likely so angry he is about to explode. CNN reported that his “inner circle split” over his continued refusal to accept the results of the presidential election is complicating matters. While some of them appear to be supporting him in his futile legal efforts, all believe he will eventually just move on, without admitting defeat. The problem is that while they all duke it out, the typical handing over of power to the new president — Joe Biden — has all but stalled out.

Kushner, Giuliani and Jason Miller, Trump’s campaign adviser, seem to think it is a good idea for Trump to hold “recount” rallies. Trump just does not get that his continued efforts make him even more of a loser as he stomps around, having temper tantrums. Be a man, accept defeat, and move on. There is likely plenty of havoc he can wreak at another time, in another place.

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