Donald Trump’s Hunter Biden conspiracy theory just completely blew up in his face

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The phony “Hunter Biden laptop” scandal has fallen so flat and had so little impact, Donald Trump already seems to be moving on from it, even as his devotees like Rudy Giuliani and Tucker Carlson continue to try to prop up what’s left of the conspiracy theory. Now the whole thing just took an even bigger blow.

NBC News is reporting that the Hunter Biden dossier that started all this nonsense was written by a person and a company that don’t even exist. It turns out “Typhoon Investigations” isn’t a real company, and “Martin Aspen” isn’t a real person. It’s not just that the author was using a fake name; even his accompanying profile picture was created through artificial intelligence.

In other words, whoever put together this phony document didn’t want their name on it, and didn’t want it traced back to them in any way. The claims that it made about Hunter Biden were already laughably absurd. But now this latest development points to something particularly sinister when it comes to the creation and distribution of the phony dossier.

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