Donald Trump threatens to leave the country if he loses the election

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When you consider that New York has a well documented grand jury in the process of criminally indicting Donald Trump on state charges, in addition to whatever federal charges he’s facing, it’s fairly clear that Trump will be on a path to prison if he loses the election. Considering his strong ties to certain enemy nations, there are plenty of observers who believe Trump could try to flee the country if he loses.

So it’s notable that on the campaign trail today, Donald Trump stated that “I might have to leave the country” if he loses the election. To be clear, he was framing it within the context of being embarrassed about losing to Joe Biden, whom he’s dubbed the “worst candidate in the history of politics.”

But it’s still interesting that Trump has now reached the point where he’s openly talking about leaving the country if he loses the election. Whether he was being sarcastic or not, it was a little bit too on-the-nose. You have to wonder if Trump said this tonight because he’s been seriously kicking around the fantasy of actually fleeing the country if he loses.

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