Donald Trump stumbles through bizarre medical “exam” on Tucker Carlson show

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Donald Trump really, really wants us to believe that he isn’t as sick with coronavirus as he is. Last night he called in to the Sean Hannity show for proof of life, but he couldn’t stop coughing and clearing his throat. Tonight Trump appeared on video on the Tucker Carlson show for what was dubbed as a medical exam, but it isn’t going particularly well for him.

At one point Donald Trump was asked if he was scared at any point during his hospitalization, and instead of addressing the question, he launched into a rehearsed informercial for the Regeneron treatment. At another point Trump insisted that he’s never had any trouble with his breathing, which is hilarious considering we all saw him gasping for breath right after he was transported back to the White House.

In any case, this is in no way a medical exam of any kind, and is instead merely an interview being conducted with a quack Fox News doctor who likes to promote false coronavirus information. Notably, Trump claimed that “as of eight hours ago” he’s no longer on any coronavirus medication. If this is true, then it means he’s still hopped up on dexamethasone today, but is planning not to take it again tomorrow. We’ll see. Based on the severity of his coronavirus and the short amount of time that’s passed since his hospitalization, we’re betting he can’t even stand up without it.

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