Things just got even uglier for Donald Trump

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Donald Trump is fighting coronavirus and pneumonia in his lungs, taking experimental drug treatments, gasping for air, and losing henchmen to illness and quarantine left and right. Could things get any worse for him? As it turns out, yes they can – and they just did.

If Trump decided to risk his life by checking out of the hospital early because he was just that desperate to get back to his campaign, it turns out there may not be much of a campaign for him to get back to. The polls are now being updated to reflect not only the debate, but also his coronavirus.

Considering how far behind Trump already was in the polls, he was going to need a momentum bump from his aggressively deranged debate performance, or a sympathy bump from his hospitalization. It turns out the opposite is happening. Joe Biden has incrementally expanded his national lead in the NBC News poll, the CNN poll, and the CNBC poll, among others. State level polling is stronger than ever for Biden as well.

In fact some of these polls suggest that Trump is now losing some of his own supporters, as opposed to Biden merely gobbling up more of the remaining undecideds. As Palmer Report likes to point out, while Trump was never going to lose his core base, he was always vulnerable to losing some of the people who were barely hanging in there with him to begin with.

So now Donald Trump is facing the worst case scenario. Voters have rejected his deranged debate strategy, and think even less of him for recklessly catching and spreading coronavirus. In order to turn things around, he’d need to take a completely new approach. But his rage-filled tweets today suggest he’s more locked into his losing ways than ever. Why did he even bother to leave the hospital if he’s only interested in doing things that are causing him to lose?

With Trump so vulnerable in every sense of the word, now is the ideal time for us to work on running up the score for Joe Biden. We now have a sizable lead, but that will only matter if we actually show up to vote, and if we put in the work required to get others to show up to vote. Let’s go win this and finish Trump off.

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